Historical Land Prices in Karuizawa
軽井沢・基準地価の推移 / 輕井澤基準地價的變化
Karuizawa land estate prices differ significantly depending on its location, terrain, and acreage. This page provides you with some reference point prices and its historical changes, hoping you understand interesting market move of this area.
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[Minamigaoka 南が丘] [Ogura no Sato 小倉の里] [Kashima no Mori 鹿島の森] [Shin Karuizawa Nozawahara 新軽井沢・野沢原] [Shin Karuizawa Yagasaki 新軽井沢・矢ヶ崎] [Kyu Karuizawa Ginza 旧軽井沢銀座] [Naka Karuizawa Station Front 中軽井沢・駅前商業地区] [Naka Karuizawa Residential 中軽井沢・住居地区] [Sengataki West 千ヶ滝西区] [Oiwake XIV South 追分エクシブ南] [Mikasa Park 三笠パーク] [Narusawa 成沢] [Kariyado Oohinata 借宿大日向] [Hotchi Nagahinata 発地長日向]
Minamigaoka villa centric district (1052-142 Karuizawa, Karuizawa / 1,295 sqm)
南が丘/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字軽井沢1052-142、1,295㎡)
南が丘/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字軽井沢1052-142、1,295㎡)
Minamigaoka and Minamihara are located right in the center of Karuizawa town. In Karuizawa, it is recognized as a high-end villa district along with traditional villa areas such as Kajima-no-mori and Suwa-no-mori in Kyu Karuizawa, etc. Land price survey started in 2008 as a continued location to survey. After the Lehman Shock in June 2008, land prices dropped sharply until 2011, but since 2012, with the birth of the second Abe administration and the rise of Abenomics, land prices have recovered along with the recovery of stock prices, and have continued to rise steadily at 2~4% per year until 2019. Minamigaoka is said to be home to villas of business owners, in contrast to Kyu Karuizawa, which is said to be home to villas of politicians. Land price trends in this area have appeared to be almost in tandem with the Japanese economy.
Demand for this district has heated up since 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic began and remote and resort work have become possible. Land prices have increased by more than 10% per year every year until 2024 since then.
Minamigaoka and Minamihara are located right in the center of Karuizawa town. In Karuizawa, it is recognized as a high-end villa district along with traditional villa areas such as Kajima-no-mori and Suwa-no-mori in Kyu Karuizawa, etc. Land price survey started in 2008 as a continued location to survey. After the Lehman Shock in June 2008, land prices dropped sharply until 2011, but since 2012, with the birth of the second Abe administration and the rise of Abenomics, land prices have recovered along with the recovery of stock prices, and have continued to rise steadily at 2~4% per year until 2019. Minamigaoka is said to be home to villas of business owners, in contrast to Kyu Karuizawa, which is said to be home to villas of politicians. Land price trends in this area have appeared to be almost in tandem with the Japanese economy.
Demand for this district has heated up since 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic began and remote and resort work have become possible. Land prices have increased by more than 10% per year every year until 2024 since then.
Ogura no Sato villa centric district (1184-22 Hotchi, Karuizawa / 715 sqm)
Ogura-no-sato is a large villa distict in South Karuizawa Hotchi, developed by the Nagano Prefectural Development Corporation in 1969. Though this area hosted the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics Games, of which nearby Kazakoshi Park was part of the setting, the land prices nevertheless continued their sharp decline. Land prices in this district have also turned upward since 2016, after stock price recovery in 2013 and conceding land prices appreciation in other districts of Karuizawa. Since this area's superior location, no management fees, and relatively solid snow removal in winter have been reevaluated, and the area has seen a noticeable increase in the sale of built-for-sale properties and new land development between 2016 and 2020. Although demand for properties in 2021-2024 has calmed down a little, the actual prices are still considerably higher than the official prices, and land prices are expected to continue to rise steadily in the future.
Ogura-no-sato is a large villa distict in South Karuizawa Hotchi, developed by the Nagano Prefectural Development Corporation in 1969. Though this area hosted the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics Games, of which nearby Kazakoshi Park was part of the setting, the land prices nevertheless continued their sharp decline. Land prices in this district have also turned upward since 2016, after stock price recovery in 2013 and conceding land prices appreciation in other districts of Karuizawa. Since this area's superior location, no management fees, and relatively solid snow removal in winter have been reevaluated, and the area has seen a noticeable increase in the sale of built-for-sale properties and new land development between 2016 and 2020. Although demand for properties in 2021-2024 has calmed down a little, the actual prices are still considerably higher than the official prices, and land prices are expected to continue to rise steadily in the future.
Kashima no Mori villa centric district (308-11 Karuizawa, Karuizawa / 3,656 sqm)
鹿島ノ森/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字軽井沢308-11、3,656㎡)
鹿島ノ森/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字軽井沢308-11、3,656㎡)
The Kajima-no-mori villa area is said to have begun when Iwazo Kajima, the second generation founder of the present Kajima Corporation, purchased approximately 150,000 tsubo (495,000 square meters) of land in Karuizawa when he was commissioned to build a railroad on the Usui Pass. Land prices in this area, which is home to villas of many prominent families in the political and financial world, were also affected by the economy and continued to fall sharply after the burst of the bubble economy. Land prices did not show signs of recovery until after 2012, when the Bank of Japan adopted a drastic easing of monetary policy. Since then, land prices in the area have continued to rise in annual appreciation of 2-4% range. Since the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, when remote and resort work became possible, real estate demand in the Karuizawa area as a whole has heated up, and prices in this area have risen sharply in tandem with the increase in demand.
The Kajima-no-mori villa area is said to have begun when Iwazo Kajima, the second generation founder of the present Kajima Corporation, purchased approximately 150,000 tsubo (495,000 square meters) of land in Karuizawa when he was commissioned to build a railroad on the Usui Pass. Land prices in this area, which is home to villas of many prominent families in the political and financial world, were also affected by the economy and continued to fall sharply after the burst of the bubble economy. Land prices did not show signs of recovery until after 2012, when the Bank of Japan adopted a drastic easing of monetary policy. Since then, land prices in the area have continued to rise in annual appreciation of 2-4% range. Since the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, when remote and resort work became possible, real estate demand in the Karuizawa area as a whole has heated up, and prices in this area have risen sharply in tandem with the increase in demand.
Shin Karuizawa Nozawahara commercial district (1151-14 Karuizawa, Karuizawa / 442 sqm)
新軽井沢・野沢原/商業地区 (長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町大字軽井沢1151-14、442㎡)
新軽井沢・野沢原/商業地区 (長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町大字軽井沢1151-14、442㎡)
Karuizawa Hon-dori avenue runs from Karuizawa Station to the Kyu Karuizawa Ginza. Land price surveys of this location began in 2011, but land prices did not move much until 2018, when hotel construction projects in anticipation of the 2020 (actually 2021) Tokyo Olympics Games became prominent. Land prices began to rise when hotel construction plans and other projects began to gain prominence. In recent years, land prices have increased by more than 5% per year. With the increase in Karuizawa's population and second home residents, new commercial facilities along Karuizawa hon-dori avenue have also opened actively in recent years, and land prices are expected to continue to rise, supported by strong demand.
Karuizawa Hon-dori avenue runs from Karuizawa Station to the Kyu Karuizawa Ginza. Land price surveys of this location began in 2011, but land prices did not move much until 2018, when hotel construction projects in anticipation of the 2020 (actually 2021) Tokyo Olympics Games became prominent. Land prices began to rise when hotel construction plans and other projects began to gain prominence. In recent years, land prices have increased by more than 5% per year. With the increase in Karuizawa's population and second home residents, new commercial facilities along Karuizawa hon-dori avenue have also opened actively in recent years, and land prices are expected to continue to rise, supported by strong demand.
Shin Karuizawa Yagasaki residential district (39-18 Karuizawa-Higashi, Karuizawa / 247 sqm)
新軽井沢矢ヶ崎/住宅地 (軽井沢町軽井沢東39-18、247㎡)
新軽井沢矢ヶ崎/住宅地 (軽井沢町軽井沢東39-18、247㎡)
This location for continued land price survey is located on the east side of Ohga Hall, a mecca of music culture in Karuizawa. It is within walking distance of Karuizawa Station. Because the land price level is quite high, it is rare for newcomers to move to this area, but there are small traditional residential areas, and there is demand for land for vacation homes, or for residences for those who commute to Tokyo and have the financial resources to do so. Although land prices have fluctuated due to the Lehman Shock and the Abenomics effect, as in other areas of Karuizawa, there are few properties for sale in this area, and the demand is based on actual demand. After 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic has struck, real estate demand has heated up against the backdrop of remote work and resort tele-work having become possible, and land prices in this area were recorded to increase by more than 6% per year from 2022 to 2023.
This location for continued land price survey is located on the east side of Ohga Hall, a mecca of music culture in Karuizawa. It is within walking distance of Karuizawa Station. Because the land price level is quite high, it is rare for newcomers to move to this area, but there are small traditional residential areas, and there is demand for land for vacation homes, or for residences for those who commute to Tokyo and have the financial resources to do so. Although land prices have fluctuated due to the Lehman Shock and the Abenomics effect, as in other areas of Karuizawa, there are few properties for sale in this area, and the demand is based on actual demand. After 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic has struck, real estate demand has heated up against the backdrop of remote work and resort tele-work having become possible, and land prices in this area were recorded to increase by more than 6% per year from 2022 to 2023.
Kyu Karuizawa Ginza commercial district (786-2 Karuizawa, Karuizawa / 90 sqm)
旧軽井沢銀座/商業地区 (軽井沢町大字軽井沢786-2、90㎡)
旧軽井沢銀座/商業地区 (軽井沢町大字軽井沢786-2、90㎡)
In summer, Kyu Karuizawa Ginza is so crowded that it could be mistaken for Takeshita-dori avenue in Tokyo's Harajuku district. The continued location for land price survey is located near the center of the district. During the bubble economy period, the highest land price was recorded at 1.78 million yen per square meter (5.88 million per tsubo!). However, land prices dropped in tandem with the economic slowdown and remained at 287,000 yen per square meter until 2020. Then after 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic struck, real estate demand in the entire Karuizawa area heated up as remote and resort work became possible. Kyu Karuizawa Ginza district is showing a recovery to the extent that land prices have risen by more than 5% per year till 2023. Looking at the dynamics of real estate in the Kyu-Karuizawa Ginza area, the movement is almost exclusively as stores and offices for rent, with only occasional sales of land that would be suitable for small parking lots.
In summer, Kyu Karuizawa Ginza is so crowded that it could be mistaken for Takeshita-dori avenue in Tokyo's Harajuku district. The continued location for land price survey is located near the center of the district. During the bubble economy period, the highest land price was recorded at 1.78 million yen per square meter (5.88 million per tsubo!). However, land prices dropped in tandem with the economic slowdown and remained at 287,000 yen per square meter until 2020. Then after 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic struck, real estate demand in the entire Karuizawa area heated up as remote and resort work became possible. Kyu Karuizawa Ginza district is showing a recovery to the extent that land prices have risen by more than 5% per year till 2023. Looking at the dynamics of real estate in the Kyu-Karuizawa Ginza area, the movement is almost exclusively as stores and offices for rent, with only occasional sales of land that would be suitable for small parking lots.
Naka Karuizawa Station Front commercial district (11-17 Naka Karuizawa, Karuizawa / 290 sqm)
中軽井沢駅前/商業地区 (軽井沢町中軽井沢11-17、290㎡)
中軽井沢駅前/商業地区 (軽井沢町中軽井沢11-17、290㎡)
This location for continued land price survey site is located in the commercial district along National Route 146 from Naka Karuizawa Station to Hoshino Resort. The land price movements were similar to those of the Kyu Karuizawa Ginza, and remained around 55,000 yen per square meters until 2021. After 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic struck, real estate demand in the entire Karuizawa area has heated up as remote and resort tele-work have become possible Then in 2022 this area also recorded its first land price increase in seven years. Although tourists walking from Naka Karuizawa Station to Hoshino Resort can be seen during the summer, compared to the Kyu Karuizawa Ginza, there used to be many vacant store buildings, and for many years the town council discussed the need for some kind of policy action. In 2023, by the price was recorded more than 3% increase compared to the previous year, as the number of new commercial facilities has been increasing for recent years.
This location for continued land price survey site is located in the commercial district along National Route 146 from Naka Karuizawa Station to Hoshino Resort. The land price movements were similar to those of the Kyu Karuizawa Ginza, and remained around 55,000 yen per square meters until 2021. After 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic struck, real estate demand in the entire Karuizawa area has heated up as remote and resort tele-work have become possible Then in 2022 this area also recorded its first land price increase in seven years. Although tourists walking from Naka Karuizawa Station to Hoshino Resort can be seen during the summer, compared to the Kyu Karuizawa Ginza, there used to be many vacant store buildings, and for many years the town council discussed the need for some kind of policy action. In 2023, by the price was recorded more than 3% increase compared to the previous year, as the number of new commercial facilities has been increasing for recent years.
Naka Karuizawa residential district (3631-3 Nagakura, Karuizawa / 187 sqm)
中軽井沢/住宅地 (軽井沢町大字長倉3631-3、187㎡)
中軽井沢/住宅地 (軽井沢町大字長倉3631-3、187㎡)
The area from the south side of Naka Karuizawa Station to the National Route 18 bypass is the largest residential area in Karuizawa. Although land prices dropped from a peak of 88,000 yen per square meter in 1991 to 37,000 yen per square meter, a little less than half of the previous price, the land prices have been slowly recovering in recent years. Since 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic struck, real estate demand in the Karuizawa area as a whole has heated up against the backdrop of remote work and resort tele-work having become possible, and this area, which for many years had a low rate of increase compared to other areas, has suddenly begun to rise, catching up with land prices in other areas. With the growing need for people to settle down and move to the area, the land prices in this district are rising at an accelerating pace from 2022 onward.
The area from the south side of Naka Karuizawa Station to the National Route 18 bypass is the largest residential area in Karuizawa. Although land prices dropped from a peak of 88,000 yen per square meter in 1991 to 37,000 yen per square meter, a little less than half of the previous price, the land prices have been slowly recovering in recent years. Since 2020, when the COVID19 pandemic struck, real estate demand in the Karuizawa area as a whole has heated up against the backdrop of remote work and resort tele-work having become possible, and this area, which for many years had a low rate of increase compared to other areas, has suddenly begun to rise, catching up with land prices in other areas. With the growing need for people to settle down and move to the area, the land prices in this district are rising at an accelerating pace from 2022 onward.
Sengataki West villa centric district (2139-1559 Nagakura, Karuizawa / 991 sqm)
千ヶ滝西区/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字長倉2139-1559、991㎡)
千ヶ滝西区/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字長倉2139-1559、991㎡)
Sengataki is the largest villa area in Karuizawa, originally developed by the Seibu Group. Its West district is one of those areas in high demand, with relatively large and neat plots. Recently, the area became internationally famous when rumors emerged that that Mr. Bill Gates had built a villa in the West district. This location for continued land survey is in the northern part of the West district, but in 2016 the price exceeded 20,000 yen per square meters. Even in the West district, a location in the south side near Hoshino Resort tends to be valuated at a slightly higher level than this location, but the overall price variation in West district is not that great, and the popularity and high liquidity (active trading) of the area have helped stabilize the price trend in recent years. Since the COVID19 pandemic, prices have increased by 2% per year in 2021 and 2022, and by over 5% per year in 2023.
Sengataki is the largest villa area in Karuizawa, originally developed by the Seibu Group. Its West district is one of those areas in high demand, with relatively large and neat plots. Recently, the area became internationally famous when rumors emerged that that Mr. Bill Gates had built a villa in the West district. This location for continued land survey is in the northern part of the West district, but in 2016 the price exceeded 20,000 yen per square meters. Even in the West district, a location in the south side near Hoshino Resort tends to be valuated at a slightly higher level than this location, but the overall price variation in West district is not that great, and the popularity and high liquidity (active trading) of the area have helped stabilize the price trend in recent years. Since the COVID19 pandemic, prices have increased by 2% per year in 2021 and 2022, and by over 5% per year in 2023.
Oiwake (South to XIV Karuizawa) villa centric district (67-49 Oiwake, Karuizawa / 1,355 sqm)
追分エクシブ南側/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字追分67-49、1,355㎡)
追分エクシブ南側/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字追分67-49、1,355㎡)
Oiwake is a name of a large area, but this location for continued land price survey is in the area known as Oiwakehara, south of the large membership resort, XIV Karuizawa. Compared to Kyu Karuizawa and Naka Karuizawa, it is less humid and more comfortable. So demand for both vacation homes and permanent residences has been increasing in recent years. Since the survey started in 1993, land prices have been on a downward trend for a while due to the economic recession, but from 2005 to 2015, land prices remained at 13000 to 14000 yen per square meter for about 10 years. Price began a gradual rise after 2016, aided by the migration boom caused by the COVID19 pandemic after 2020, and in 2023, the price here increased by more than 11% compared to the previous year. Possible reasons for this are that the environment and livability of the Oiwake area is being reevaluated, and with the rapid rise in land prices in the Kyu Karuizawa and Naka Karuizawa areas to the east, demand has shifted to the west in line with budgets.
To the south of this area is the Mikage Water Heating Channel, known for its European-style scenery. It is crowded with neighbors and people who come all the way from other areas of the town to take a walk. Many buyers are concentrating their searches in the area around the water heating channel, and this strong demand is pushing up prices again.
Oiwake is a name of a large area, but this location for continued land price survey is in the area known as Oiwakehara, south of the large membership resort, XIV Karuizawa. Compared to Kyu Karuizawa and Naka Karuizawa, it is less humid and more comfortable. So demand for both vacation homes and permanent residences has been increasing in recent years. Since the survey started in 1993, land prices have been on a downward trend for a while due to the economic recession, but from 2005 to 2015, land prices remained at 13000 to 14000 yen per square meter for about 10 years. Price began a gradual rise after 2016, aided by the migration boom caused by the COVID19 pandemic after 2020, and in 2023, the price here increased by more than 11% compared to the previous year. Possible reasons for this are that the environment and livability of the Oiwake area is being reevaluated, and with the rapid rise in land prices in the Kyu Karuizawa and Naka Karuizawa areas to the east, demand has shifted to the west in line with budgets.
To the south of this area is the Mikage Water Heating Channel, known for its European-style scenery. It is crowded with neighbors and people who come all the way from other areas of the town to take a walk. Many buyers are concentrating their searches in the area around the water heating channel, and this strong demand is pushing up prices again.
Mikasa Park villa centric district (2115-1439 Nagakura, Karuizawa / 870 sqm)
三笠パーク/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字長倉2115-1439、870㎡)
三笠パーク/別荘地 (軽井沢町大字長倉2115-1439、870㎡)
Mikasa Park is a privately managed villa district that stretches on the northern slope of Hanareyama mountain between Mikasa-dori avenue and Tsurudamari in Kyu-Karuizawa. It was selected as the location for continued land price survey in 2017 and recorded a 1.3% increase in land price in 2018, which is comparable to that in other districts. This reference location is on the Tsurudamari side (northwest) of Mikasa Park, on a south-facing slope. Since the COVID19 pandemic, the annual appreciation from 2021 to 2024 has been recorded in the 3% per year range.
Mikasa Park is a privately managed villa district that stretches on the northern slope of Hanareyama mountain between Mikasa-dori avenue and Tsurudamari in Kyu-Karuizawa. It was selected as the location for continued land price survey in 2017 and recorded a 1.3% increase in land price in 2018, which is comparable to that in other districts. This reference location is on the Tsurudamari side (northwest) of Mikasa Park, on a south-facing slope. Since the COVID19 pandemic, the annual appreciation from 2021 to 2024 has been recorded in the 3% per year range.
Narusawa residential district (9-130 Nagakura, Karuizawa / 975 sqm)
Narusawa is a residential district that stretches south of Karuizawa Station, where the Karuizawa Prince Hotel and shopping outlets are located, and south of the Seizan Golf Course. While the area retains a tranquil landscape with much farmland, there are many houses, villas, apartments, and condominiums. The area is in high demand due to its location within walking distance of the Karuizawa station at which Shinkansen stops, but liquidity as a real estate property is not as much as that in the villa area. The reference location is the 7-Eleven store site along Prince dori avenue, which is appraised as a commercial lot. So, the market price of the residential area off the street can be considered slightly lower than this. Since the COVID19 pandemic, the index price has been increasing by more than 3% per year from 2021 to 2023. With an annual appreciation rate of over 7% in 2024, it can be said that the quality of the location is being reevaluated.
Narusawa is a residential district that stretches south of Karuizawa Station, where the Karuizawa Prince Hotel and shopping outlets are located, and south of the Seizan Golf Course. While the area retains a tranquil landscape with much farmland, there are many houses, villas, apartments, and condominiums. The area is in high demand due to its location within walking distance of the Karuizawa station at which Shinkansen stops, but liquidity as a real estate property is not as much as that in the villa area. The reference location is the 7-Eleven store site along Prince dori avenue, which is appraised as a commercial lot. So, the market price of the residential area off the street can be considered slightly lower than this. Since the COVID19 pandemic, the index price has been increasing by more than 3% per year from 2021 to 2023. With an annual appreciation rate of over 7% in 2024, it can be said that the quality of the location is being reevaluated.
Kariyado Oohinata residential district (5612-8 Nagakura, Karuizawa / 658 sqm)
The area between Naka Karuizawa Station and Shinano Oiwake Station, where farmland and residential areas are spread out, is widely known as Kariyado. Many of the town residents prefer to settle in this area due to its easy access, good infrastructure (sewage systems are installed in many areas), and relatively dry and pleasant climate. Oohinata is the name of a district located in the northern part of Kariyado, spreading out at the foot of the southern slope of Mt Asama. It is also the name of a place often heard in the news as the resting place of His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus. Since the district was adopted as the location for continues land price survey in 2017, land prices have historically been stable due to the consistent and stable demand to this district by permanent residents. Since 2021, after the COVID19 pandemic,the increase has accelerated since 2021, with annual increases in the 6% range in 2023 and in the 8% range in 2024.
The area between Naka Karuizawa Station and Shinano Oiwake Station, where farmland and residential areas are spread out, is widely known as Kariyado. Many of the town residents prefer to settle in this area due to its easy access, good infrastructure (sewage systems are installed in many areas), and relatively dry and pleasant climate. Oohinata is the name of a district located in the northern part of Kariyado, spreading out at the foot of the southern slope of Mt Asama. It is also the name of a place often heard in the news as the resting place of His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus. Since the district was adopted as the location for continues land price survey in 2017, land prices have historically been stable due to the consistent and stable demand to this district by permanent residents. Since 2021, after the COVID19 pandemic,the increase has accelerated since 2021, with annual increases in the 6% range in 2023 and in the 8% range in 2024.
Hotchi Nagahinata villa centric district (1398-91 Hotchi, Karuizawa / 1,655 sqm)
If you play golf, you have heard of Karuizawa 72 Golf course. It is known as one of the best golf courses in Karuizawa, where both domestic and international tournaments are held. Surrounded by the 72 Golf course is the Nagahinata villa district. Because of the open and sunny atmosphere represented by the golf course, this area is popular among those who prefer to live on flat land with good sunlight rather than in a mountain forest. In recent years, large villa lots and sales of ready-built lots have become prominent, creating an image of an upscale vacation home district. Since the COVID19 pandemic, the rate of price appreciation from 2021 to 2024 has been recorded in the 4 to 7% range per year.
If you play golf, you have heard of Karuizawa 72 Golf course. It is known as one of the best golf courses in Karuizawa, where both domestic and international tournaments are held. Surrounded by the 72 Golf course is the Nagahinata villa district. Because of the open and sunny atmosphere represented by the golf course, this area is popular among those who prefer to live on flat land with good sunlight rather than in a mountain forest. In recent years, large villa lots and sales of ready-built lots have become prominent, creating an image of an upscale vacation home district. Since the COVID19 pandemic, the rate of price appreciation from 2021 to 2024 has been recorded in the 4 to 7% range per year.
Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport / Nagano Prefecture
出典: 国土交通省 / 長野県 |